PURINSEAL - Mining and Tunneling

Unexpected water ingress and poor ground conditions during mining and tunnelling operations can cause significant problems for underground contractors. Underground voids and cracks can cause water ingress, causing damage to infrastructure and safety concerns. Water ingress can also harm the mining equipment and products and cause mine workings to deteriorate. Underground mining companies may face costly and disastrous consequences as a result.
Polyurethane Injection Resin Systems offer higher penetration rates than cement based materials. Polyurethane injection resins can seal, stabilize or strengthen cracks and joints, thanks to their variety of flexibility and rigidity, and adjustable reaction times at different temperatures. These products offer solutions to stop running water by reacting quickly when in contact with water. These fast curing times and high early strengths provide exceptional resistance to pressurized water ingress while stopping water ingress under harsh conditions.
PURIN offers 2 different types of resin series, which are one-component products with catalyst and two-component products. One-component hydrophilic products are used to stop the water coming through cracks. After that, two-component products are recommended to use to fill the smaller fissures occur in mines and tunnels. Two-component products provide permanent sealing after using one-component products. Different injection products can be used depending project or the application technique. Please contact our PURIN technical experts for more information on the best product for your situation.
Injection in Mining and Tunneling
Our products used in mining application are as followed:
Choosing the right product according to the application area is crucial, especially in coal mines. Coal catches fire at over 120oC. Therefore, the reaction heat of the products to be used is very important. At this point, phenolic, silicate and polyurethane injection types are used.
Product | Viscosity (cP, 23ºC) | Mixing Rate | Structure | Starting of Reaction | Ending of Reaction |
PURINSEAL EN 108 | 450 | Use with 10% catalyst | Creates a rigid foam after contact with water | 20 sec (sn) | 270 sec (sn) |
PURINSEAL EN 403 | 325 | 1 : 1 | Creater rigid foam by itself in anhydrous environment | 10 sec (sn) | 80 sec (sn) |
PURINSEAL EN 405 | 325 | 1 : 1 | Creates 50% foam in an anhydrous environment (Shore 70D) | 40 sec (sn) | 120 sec (sn) |
PURINSEAL EN 108: This product is used if the water leakage occurs at the time of excavation to stop the water flow immediately. It also enables ground stabilization with its rigid structure in tunnels and mines.
PURINSEAL EN 403: This product, which is especially used to fill in high volume voids in mines, forms foam without the need for water when the two component react by mixing. It is applied with two component injection machines.
PURINSEAL EN 405: This product is used to fill in the low volume voids and small fissures which occur in tunnels and mines. This product, which is used especially in coal mines, creates 100oC (max.) heat when the two components react and eliminate the risk of catching fire of coal.